
Whe writes.......

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Tune

Have you ever been into deep, going to somewhere, you could not ever imagine yourself be at? Or have you ever been in a situation where there's nothing really wrong, only that you keep thinking there's something wrong?

Its been kind of elsewhere when you found yourself grueling to keep up to a track that you thought could save your playlist for the rest of the day. Might be, you're just kind of amused on how a single tune turns something bad to something great. Well, that's going to be no wonder, we're all born music-lovers.

But in some point of the day, no matter how eager you were to choose that very track, no good song could just fit and make your day. There's like this syndrome in which a music plays but you keep humming the wrong tune.

The most interesting part is when everything turns to silence. Ironically, that's the part where a hard-loud-metal-rock ponders over your head. Banging. You're into something you can't explain, and that's what you call love.

The bit of whatever coupled with some bit of fever is just phenomenal. Everybody's turning crazy. But you keep yourself formal. Everybody's wild. But you're on that corner standing, waiting for the moment to come and just do nothing.

What if every club ran out of beat? What if every band came lost with its lyrics? Are you going to be rockstar? Or a hip-hopper? Are you going to give a slam? Or just wear a bling?

Whatever you choose, life's only a music that plays only with a tune. Drop the beat and you'll find yourself dying on a late-stage-doom.

Music's better with words. But life's amazing when you only play the tune.